Corrections and Retractions

Retraction Guidelines

We adhere to COPE guidelines in order to uphold the honour and virtue of the publications' scholarly content. (Please refer COPE Council.COPE Guidelines: A short Guide to ethical Editing for new Editors.May 2019 .(Version 3.). DOI:

The journal follows COPE’s retraction guidelines for retraction process. Please refer COPE Council.COPE Retraction guidelines- English. DOI:

Reasons for Retraction

  1. If the published paper was found to have any errors or unethical scientific data, or similar contents, in any part of the paper that would compromise the study's methods, findings, analyses, or conclusions, as a result of falsifying any data, making multiple submissions, using fraudulent data, or other misconduct.
  2. If the published paper mentions data, results, or observations that have already been published in another journal without properly citing them, obtaining the necessary rights, or citing any redundant publications.
  3. If there is any unethical behaviour, such as data fabrication, picture modification, plagiarism, or inappropriate authorship, including using a gift author or ghost writer.
    1. COPE’s discussion document of Authorship and Contributorship available at
    2. COPE’S Authorship Discussion Document (PDF) available at Click here.
  4. Conduction of unethical experiments or surveys or research.

Retraction Process

Inorder to provide ethical and rational scholarly content in our journal and following COPE guidelines (DOI: we follow retraction process towards publishing best scholarly content.

We try to handle the best practices along with COPE Guidelines (Please refer COPE Flow charts available at DOI: for retraction of paper and we follow the following process,

  1. The complainant or whistleblower can send an email to the address listed under "contact" on our journal's website, including information about the complaint's title, volume, issue, and specifics.
  2. The managing editor accepts responsibility for leading the inquiry into the complaint received, with assistance from any editorial board member as appropriate.
  3. Collecting all emails and other correspondence to and from the journal, authors, and complaint during the investigation.
  4. The author and the persons who filed the complaints will be contacted and questioned via email.
  5. We work to ensure that the investigation will be carried out according to the right procedures and in accordance with COPE guidelines DOI: and without hurting, dishonouring, or impairing the integrity of academic publishing, as well as without any personal influence or bias.
  6. After the inquiry is finished, the Editor in Chief and, if necessary, the appropriate editorial board member will be notified, and a decision will then be made.
  7. The primary reason for adhering to COPE's retraction policies is to ensure and uphold academic credit.

Once the decision to withdraw the article has been made, it will not be taken down; instead, the retraction statement will be published in a new journal page, along with a link to the original published page. To maintain the integrity of the scientific record, the watermark "Retracted" would be present in the article and would be kept on the same page and volume.

  1. The display of the retraction would be on a prominent journal page.
  2. The contents page of the relevant issue will feature a retraction page with its corresponding page number if there are any retractions.
  3. The retraction portion of the content page will additionally include the title of the work that was withdrawn.
  4. The reasons for the retraction and a link to the original publication will be available on the retraction website.
  5. To ensure that the original article is easily accessible, the retraction statement would be bidirectionally linked to it.

Article Withdrawals:

Withdrawals are also possible for articles that are currently under consideration and have been accepted for publication but lack a volume, issue, or page number. Unpublished papers that are still undergoing copy editing, being typeset, or being uncorrected but have not yet received a DOI number may be withdrawn at any time for a variety of reasons, including irreparable typographical errors, referencing format errors, false claims of plagiarism, data manipulations, multiple submissions, ethical or scientific misconduct, or any other errors that have recently come to light. The decision to withdraw would be made by the managing editor after consulting with the editor in chief and informing the appropriate author.

Article Removal

For the following reasons, the article may be taken down after publication:

  1. If it violates any legal or copy right laws.
  2. If it violates any third party's intellectual property.
  3. If it violates the privacy of any person, institution, organisation, group of people, or society.
  4. If a court of law orders that it to be removed.
  5. If it draws attention to or produces social issues that impede the occurrence of any illegal situations in society.
  6. If it results in any significant health issues.

The title, author, and text describing the reason for the article's removal will all be retained after it has been deleted.

Article Replacement

Whatever published article that has been retracted for any reason may be replaced with a revised version provided the journal approves it and the author has satisfactorily addressed the issue in accordance with the publication's policies. The same retraction procedure will be followed in this instance, but in addition, the retraction notice will include a link to the amended, republished item.

Expression of Concern

The journal publishes "Expression of Concern" when misleading information is discovered in a published paper and is deducted by the editor or any editorial board member who want to alert the reader to the information without revoking the publication. This editorial "Expression of concern" informs the reader of the defects that affect the credibility of the article. However, this is done only if the results of any investigations into the relevant article or decision are uncertain and if there is a good reason to issue a statement of concern. Please refer COPE case 17-02 Data manipulation and institute's internal review.