Consent for Copy Righted Material
Authors should credit or mention the source of any content they wish to utilize that has already been published or will be published elsewhere. Prior to publication, it is the author's obligation to secure the necessary permissions for this replication. Even though the author is not the owner of the copyright, this also applies to previously published work by the author. Any costs connected with using data from another source are the author's obligation to cover.
There are several opportunities to identify those elements for any additional action as IJTOS uses the available softwares to check manuscripts for plagiarism during the processing of the manuscript. Authors are therefore urged to take this into consideration and to treat it carefully. Even after publishing of manuscript , if any published material content if found any infringement of copy right , the paper / article will be retracted unless it is resolved among journal , author and copy right owner.
If a patient's name, address, medical history, clinical findings, reports of investigations, etc. must be used in the publication for research purposes, the author must obtain the patient's written agreement and consent form and keep it on file. Institutional review board or relevant Institutional permission need to be received for publishing the content . In case of displaying patients identity, necessary masking features should be included in the image to avoid the identity of the patients.
If the author so desires, copyrighted content may be reproduced with the written consent of the copyright owner, which must be submitted with the Copyright Agreement Form.